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The Cotton Farm - Our New Partner!

We are so excited! We are proud to announce that we have partnered with The Cotton Farm, a sweet little quilt shop in Roswell, as a pickup and drop off location for sewing machines!

Back when we were preparing to close Red Hen, I had heard that a new quilt shop was opening in the area. And then I found out it was Kristy McDonough and I was THRILLED! It felt like while one era was ending, and new one was being born, and I knew that Kristy would have an outstanding shop. I had a chance to visit the shop today (finally!), and I was right!

We are looking forward to partnering with Kristy and TCF for events and collaborations and anything we can in addition to sewing machine drop off.

Details are coming (they'll be on the Sewing Doc website soon), but in the meantime, I am pretty certain that The Cotton Farm is quite possibly one of the most photograph-able shops I've ever been in. There is a surprise around every corner, and it feels like home. The fabrics are stunning and tempting and glorious!

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